Become a Platinum Sponsor and unlock a world of exclusive benefits with prominent recognition, and enjoy unparalleled high visibility for your brand and business while promoting philanthropic activities. Platinum Sponsors may have their logo, company description, and website link displayed on our page. Sponsors may be featured in speaker backdrops, promotional materials, and social media. This level of sponsorship allows sponsors to address attendees in functions and activities hosted by our organization. They may also receive exhibit booth space, pre- and post-attendee list, or a full-page ad in event programs. Recognition and follow-up in communication materials post-event. Don't miss out on this chance to showcase your commitment to excellence as we work together to Develop Haiti - secure your Platinum Sponsorship today!
SubscribeBecome a Gold Sponsor and unlock a world of exclusive benefits with prominent recognition, and enjoy high visibility for your brand and business while promoting philanthropic activities. Gold Sponsors may have their logo, company description, and website link displayed on our page. Sponsors may be featured in speaker backdrops, promotional materials, and social media. This level of sponsorship allows sponsors to address attendees in functions and activities hosted by our organization. They may also receive exhibit booth space, pre- and post-attendee list, or a full-page ad in event programs. Recognition and follow-up in communication materials post-event. Don't miss out on this chance to showcase your commitment to excellence as we work together to Develop Haiti - secure your Gold Sponsorship today!
SubscribeBecome a Silver Sponsor and unlock a world of exclusive benefits with prominent recognition, and enjoy mid-level visibility for your brand and business while promoting philanthropic activities. Silver Sponsors may have their logo, company description, and website link displayed on our page. Sponsors may be featured in speaker backdrops, promotional materials, and social media. This level of sponsorship allows sponsors to address attendees in functions and activities hosted by our organization. They may also receive exhibit booth space, pre- and post-attendee list, or a full-page ad in event programs. Recognition and follow-up in communication materials post-event. Don't miss out on this chance to showcase your commitment to excellence as we work together to Develop Haiti - secure your Silver Sponsorship today!
SubscribeBecome a Bronze Sponsor and unlock a world of exclusive benefits with prominent recognition for your brand and business while promoting philanthropic activities. Bronze Sponsors may have their logo, company description, and website link displayed on our page. Sponsors may be featured in speaker backdrops, promotional materials, and social media. Recognition and follow-up in communication materials post-event. Don't miss out on this chance to showcase your commitment to excellence as we work together to Develop Haiti - secure your Gold Sponsorship today!